Assessing an efficiency of drugs and dietary supplements in the models of hypoxia and ischemia

To assess the efficiency of drugs and dietary supplements on the models of hypoxia and ischemia the following models are used:Мышь альпинист

  1. hypobaric hypoxia;
  2. hemic hypoxia (NaNO3);
  3. hypoxia with hypercapnia;
  4. circulatory hypoxia;
  • heart ischemia: ligation (with or without reperfusion) of the left descending coronary artery in rats;

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  • global brain ischemia by ligation (with or without reperfusion) of the common carotid arteries in rats (two vessel occlusion model);
  • focal cerebral ischemia (FCI) (ischemia/reperfusion) by intraluminal occlusion of the middle cerebral artery.
  • subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) intraluminal vascular perforation.


Ischemia-reperfusion kidney

Рисунок 6- англ.

Model of arterial thrombosis induced surface applique 50% iron chloride (III) or anode current

Хлорид железа

Тромб в сосуде

The efficiency of test substances is estimated by the following indicator parameters:

  • the number of animals survived;
  • physiological parameters of electrocardiogram (ECG), arterial pressure,
  • hemostasis parameters,
  • biochemical analyses of peripheral blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and other tissues:
  1.  Total protein,Митохондриальная цепь
  2. Albumin,
  3. Hemoglobin and methemoglobin,
  4. Lactate,
  5. Glucose,
  6. Triglycerides,
  7. Creatinine,
  8. Urea,
  9. Creatinine kinase (MV and VV-fractions of creatinine kinase),
  10. Lactate dehydrogenase,
  11. ALT and AST.

Histology and histochemistry analysis of the presence and the prevalence of ischemic tissues and necrotic areas in the analyzed tissues, morphometric analysis of the affected areas and evaluation of neovascularization necrotic areas.


Computed tomography (CT) of organs and tissues of the experimental animals is one of the most promising areas of instrumental diagnostics both in terms of a more complete picture of the disease, and from the standpoint of the humane treatment of animals. CT allows assessment of his lifetime lesions, study the dynamics of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment without the need evtanazirovaniya animals at all interested control points of the experiment. At the same time, the use of CT significantly expands the notion of localization of various lesions, the degree of their severity and pathogenesis of the disease, allows to obtain reliable data, correlated with the results of conventional morphological studies in real-time.